Monstrous, evil, terrible, or simply different: this is the common thread of the 24th edition of the 24FRAME Future Film Fest, Italy’s first and most important event dedicated to the many shades of animation cinema. Produced and promoted by Rete DOC, the Festival reveals its official image today and will take place from November 6 to 10 in the multifunctional urban district of DumBO in Bologna, and from November 22 to 24 in Modena at the Astra Cinema. From films to short films, from artificial intelligence to virtual and augmented reality and 360-degree videos, from gaming to seriality, from indie to mainstream, the 2024 edition promises a unique and international experience that, starting from the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Tim Burton’s Ed Wood, will explore the multiple aspects of the “terrible, ugly, different, monstrous” concept.
Emblematic of this edition’s focus is the manifesto created specifically for the Festival by artist Rebecca Michelini.
The same theme will not only recur in the selection of competing titles but will also be at the heart of a special event: “Monsters’ Night,” scheduled for the evening of November 9 (Dumbo, Cinema Magic Box in Spazio Bianco, from 9 p.m.). On this occasion, the 24FRAME audience will be able to enjoy a curated selection of films dedicated to monsters, from Godzilla to Tremors, including Ed Wood’s production.
Additionally, there will be a series of events in collaboration with the prestigious training institutions Ababo, Unibo, and ADAC, addressing the topic from artistic and social perspectives: who and what do we consider ugly, terrible, monstrous? More importantly, does the “freak” scare us?
From October 9th, the full program.