The Crossing | La Traversée

Concorso Lungometraggi The crossing (La traversée) di Florence Miailhle, Francia, 2021, 84’ V.O. con sottotitoli italiani Un villaggio saccheggiato, una famiglia in fuga e due bambini smarriti sulla via dell’esilio. Il film, il primo di Florence Miailhe e realizzato con la tecnica della pittura animata, racconta la storia di Kyona e Adriel, che cercano di trovare un paese che li ospiti, li renda liberi e li salvi dai loro persecutori. Ingresso con biglietto, Pass e accredito

8/12/2021 Sala Scorsese, Cineteca, ore 14,30

Florence Miailhe

Born in 1956, Florence graduated from the Ecole Nationale des Arts Décoratifs with a specialization in engraving.She began her professional career as a layout artist for the press and exhibited drawings and engravings. In 1991, she directed her first short film Hammam. Since then, she has imposed a very personal style on animated films. She makes her films with paint, pastel or sand, directly under the camera, using a covering process. Her work has been noticed in various festivals in France and abroad. In particular, she received the César for the best short film in 2002 for Au premier dimanche d’août, a special mention at the Cannes Festival in 2006 for Conte de Quartier and in 2015 she received a Cristal d’honneur at the 39th Annecy International Animation Film Festival for her body of work. She has worked as a teacher in various animation schools: Les Gobelins, ENSAD, La Poudrière, etc. and continues to work as a visual artist in parallel with her directing. Most of her films were written in collaboration with the writer Marie Desplechin. Their feature film The Crossing won the best screenplay award at the Festival Premiers Plans in Angers in 2010 and was the subject of an exhibition at Fontevraud Abbey. In 2017 the film received the Gan Foundation for Cinema Special Awward.



Florence Miailhe


Marie Desplechin, Florence Miailhe


Dora Benousilio (Les Films de l’Arlequin), Luc Camilli (XBO Films)


Ralf Kukula (Balance Film), Martin Vandas & Alena Vandasová (Maur Film), ARTE France Cinema, MDR/ ARTE Germany, Česká Televize